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Support Alaska Healthcare.


Your contribution to the AHHA PAC supports candidates for the legislature who understand the importance of maintaining a strong and sustainable healthcare system for Alaska.

Help drive efforts to convey to candidates the importance of the healthcare services that AHHA members provide and the invaluable role they play, both as community providers and essential employers in cities, towns, and villages across Alaska.


Giving to the AHHA PAC allows participants to pool their donations with peers from across the state and strengthens our collective voice on vital healthcare issues. Your contribution ensures hospitals and healthcare have a strong voice when decisions are made that affect our ability to care for Alaskans.


Because the PAC falls under the jurisdiction of the Alaska Public Offices Commission, certain rules apply, including:

  • There is currently no limit to what individuals can contribute to the PAC.

  • Corporate donations are NOT allowed.

  • Checks (non-corporate) and credit cards (non-corporate) are accepted by the PAC.

  • The AHHA PAC does not accept cash.

Please make a contribution today to help us reach our 2024 goal of $10,000!

You may also send a check to:
1007 W. 3rd Ave, Suite 301
Anchorage, AK 99501

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